Saturday, March 24, 2012

Smore Sandwiches

I decided to treat the kids to a yummy lunch today...Smore Sandwiches! They loved them, and it made the house smell like cookies. :)

Whole Grain Bread
All Natural Peanut Butter, Mini Marshmallows, & Chocolate Chips
Cook under the broiler for 2 minutes...being carefully not to burn!
Perfect Browning on the Marshmallows!
Gooey Goodness...

And now for the test...

A bit messy...

That's a "Mmmm!"...Kid Approved!

Enjoy your Saturday~Heather

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Time4Learning Review

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Big Boy Linc

So Lincoln had his 4 month check-up last week. I was thankful to report to the doc that he had been healthy (minus one fever, that was unexplained, and didn't affect him much). Poor little Linc spent the first 2 months of his life catching every nasty bug that was around! He was assaulted by cold after cold....making for many sleepless nights worrying about his breathing, & coughing attacks. We tried our best to stay away from others, and keeping everyone healthy, but it would find him anyway! So praise be to God for this last 2 months of health!!!

Linc weighed in at 15 lbs 8 oz, and 27" long. Meaning he gained over 5 lbs and 3" in 2 months! For a bit I was beginning to wonder if my breast milk had enough "cream" to keep him full with as much as he'd been eating, but I guess we are fine in that department, and he was expanding and sprouting at a rapid pace! The Dr. said he'd be a fat little guy if he weren't so tall! Long and Lean :)

Lincoln is growing up so fast that I don't even know where the time has gone (literally)? He is a happy, sweet ball of baby. He grabs his feet and rocks back and forth. He rolls from his tummy to his back... and Bob has him sitting by himself! Mind you he tweaks out and looses his balance, but non the less, he sits. He loves his "disc" as we call it. Always attacking his blue flower likes Jaws! Lol He always greets us all with a big gummy smile....just begging you to kiss is round little cheeks! I told Bob last night when we were looking at him sleeping in bed, "I just love this little guy!" He makes everything better with his big smile...what an absolute JOY this little guy is!



Thursday, March 8, 2012

Organic Woman

I love love love this shirt! Or statement might be a better fit. I find it interesting how "Green" our country/world is becoming yet pump their bodies full of "Not Green" junk to keep our "Green" bodies for doing the thing it was created to do.

It's food for thought... :)


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Storage Idea

If you are like me, you always have a bunch on Huggies diaper wipe containers lying around. I hate to throw away anything that could be used for storage (since being organized sometimes costs a small fortune)! My hubby started using them for his "shop" in the garage, for nuts and bolts (so really the credit goes to him!) and odds and ends that you don't want to get rid of, but no place to put it.

One of Bob's storage containers.

Perfectly stores nail and screws...just pop them through the slot on top.

One of my storage containers...labeled on the outside.

It holds large glue bottles as well as glue sticks.

The slot on top makes it easy for the children to put them away...even the little ones.
If you are a stickler for a uniformed look...using all one color, such as white, will help it look more together and not so miss matched. I used this container for the children's school closet. It can get VERY messy and putting the little things away just helps that much more with keeping a somewhat organized school closet.


Monday, March 5, 2012

What a Day...

"Wow!" Is all I can say for our Saturday. What a day...

We had a few things to get done at Costco, grab lunch, and then get cleats for Ty. We accomplished the first task, started our next (lunch) and I called home to see how things were going with Alexis and the others. This is what I heard, "Mom, Addie is bleeding and it's really really bad! I think we need to call an ambulance!"

Not words that this mom was expecting, or ever really wanting to hear! "What!? What happened?"

She didn't know, because she didn't see it happen. All she knew was Addie was "covered" in blood, there was blood on the floor, and it was a lot coming from her chin (a hole, as described by Alexis). Now mind you, we were at least 20 min. from home at this point, our lunch had just arrived, and Bob & Lincoln were already in the car, once Bob heard what I was saying to Alexis. Ty and I just looked at each other and grabbed a to go bag, and ran for the door!

I call Alexis back, and she is hysterical at this point. "What do I do?! I think she needs an ambulance!" I continue to question her and tell her to keep a towel on it and pressure. All she kept saying was, "It's bad mom, really bad! {Sobb}" I hear all the other kids crying and hear Addie wailing....breaks a parents heart to have your little one in pain, and possibly a severe situation, and not be there to help.

Here's the "Reader's Digest" version...I called my mom, and every neighbor I could think of and no one was home to run over and check. I missed the call saying that a neighbor was on their way over, and Bob said, "It is better safe than sorry, call 911". Alexis was so panicked that we thought for sure it was extremely serious. Bob drove as fast as we safely could, if you count 90 mph on the freeway, as safely, home. And we prayed. Thankfully the situation was not as dire as Alexis thought it was...your head bleeds a lot when punctured or cut, we were told by the Dr., so I'm sure it looked really bad! The paramedics had arrived and were checking her out, saying in deed she will need stitches and to take her to the ER. We were not thrilled at the panic that had raced through our hearts over her distress call, but were very thankful for understanding paramedics, and a 4 yr old who was not bleeding to death.

We loaded Addie into the car and headed to the ER where she showed us how the power of prayer works! I have to say that it was a miracle how calm and pain free the whole ordeal was at the ER. We kind of begged for them to "super glue" stitch it, because Bob and I both have been through it and it's nothing we would want anyone, especially our children to go through, but they insisted that it would need "real" ones. It was far to deep and in a bad spot (with chewing and speaking).

Here are the pictures of our 2 hr stay at the ER:

 The Dr. irrigated the hole...which looks ridiculously painful! Flesh flapping and revealing how truly deep it was. When he first started he asked if either of us had a guess as to how many. I asked Bob how many stitches his face took, 25 was the answer, so I guessed 5. Bob guessed 8.We all kept reassuring her saying, "You're doing great, Addie! You're so brave!!" Then I'd say about 20-30 min in, I heard her breathing deeply and her legs started to twitch a bit. I started to wonder if it was beginning to hurt her, then it dawned on me and I said, "I think she's asleep!" We peeked and sure enough, she was. The Dr. said that was a first for him! Bob and the Dr. swapped "scar" stories. :)  Lincoln was very intrigued by what he saw. He kept talking and squeaking and kicking his feet whenever he looked over at Addie.

Snoozing away!

Here's Sleeping Beauty all stitched up.

He cleaned her up and added some antibiotic ointment...and sent her on her way.
Final tally...9 stitches...Bob won...

 She was begging to hold "Baby Lincoln" as she so lovingly calls him. Addie was telling Daddy all about how she was "standing on the coffee table and did a spin trying to make it to the recliner...and she moved (meaning missed)...and that's how I got this Daddy." She was a bit upset about getting blood on her new deer shirt Grandpa had just sent her. The Dr. thought it fitting to have blood on a deer shirt! lol I couldn't agree more! :)

 We happily drove her to My FroYo yogurt shop for a much deserved frozen yogurt for her bravery. Daddy read her all the flavors to pick from and she chose Strawberry Banana & Cake Batter.

 You can't forget the animal cookies! And Sprinkles! And Nerds!
Addie enjoying a bit of sunshine on a spoon. :)
 As we drove back from the the ER, Bob spoke exactly what I was thinking, "This type of stuff really makes you think of how much we take for granted everyday (even every second) we have on this earth. It could be taken in an instant..."

Wow! We are so blessed to have Addie, our rambunctious, loving, spunky, sassy little girl still in arms reach. By the time we got home she was already bouncing all over the house, making us gasp with fear that she was going to smack her chin into something. Maybe we adults need to have a little more "kid" in us? They get hurt, they get up, they move on. And they trust! We told her it was going to hurt a bit and that she needed to be brave for the doctor. She said, "OK" and that's exactly what she did. She trusted us that it was only going to hurt for a bit, and that it would be OK...tell me that's not a glimpse into how we should be trusting our God! Children are just happy it wasn't worse than it was, and that the worst is over. It didn't steal her joy. So many times we adults allow things like this to steal our joy!

And to end our day, we had a long family meeting about how to react to "emergency" situations. What is a true emergency, and what is not. How to look at something and figure out how to describe it size wise, with say a quarter, or a bowl, to help us on the phone to figure out if a "ton" of blood is really puddles on the floor, or just a handful. How to think before we freak out and how the others don't help the situation when they keep crying saying, "Alexis, she's going to die!" (that would have been from our Gabriel...his heart is too big for his little body...poor little guy.) And to most importantly for the children looking on while big sister helps out, PRAY!

Psalms 5:11-12 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.


As we found the next day, Addie must have smashed her tongue. There aren't any bite marks, but her tongue is really bruised and a bit swollen on both sides. But besides it being a bit uncomfortable eating, she is a trooper!