Hey There,
I just stumbled across this fantastic website for those of you who are wanting to teach your little ones Bible verses, and songs. It's called Seeds Family Worship. They have printable verse cards, and a check list for the verses that have been memorized. I'm going to try and laminate the verse cards so they can be used over and over again without being destroyed!
58 memory verses are on the check list, so that's a little more than one verse a week for a whole year! The best part of this website is that they have songs that go with each verse to help them memorize. Well, actually the best part for an adult is that the songs are actually enjoyable to listen to! They have a fun modern sound, and all the words in the song are the verse itself. Alexis loves it, and runs around singing it all day! Most days, I leave it playing on the computer while we do chores, or school, just for a nice background noise. :)
Check it out at www.seedsfamilyworship.net you'll be glad you did! Heather
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