This year we did things a whole lot different than times past. Usually our Christmas contains a few "Christmases" and by the time we get to our families Christmas the kids want to sleep in and aren't really all that enthused about it. But, since moving this year and with the passes through the Gorge getting pretty hairy with snow and ice, we decided that it would be easier for the parents to last minute take a train here instead of the 7 of us. Thankfully the roads were clear and we were joined by Bob's parents and sister and my parents. My parents arrived the Monday before Christmas. Which gave us the perfect opportunity to bake cookies with Nana & Papa, and prep all the food before the big day! Bob's family arrived in the afternoon on Christmas Eve.
We headed out to our churches Christmas Eve service where we sang praises to our Lord and listened to a sermon. Followed by a wonderful dinner that we had catered by Famous Dave's at our house. I know...BBQ of Christmas?! Yes, not your most conventional dinner, but it was a hit (and I didn't have to cook and do all the dishes!) :) We ate by candle light, drank from wine glasses (no wine, I just always loved as a kid when we could drink from "pretty" glasses), played Bing Crosby & Amy Grant's Christmas CD's (it doesn't feel like Christmas without them singing in the background!)
Aunt Stacey supplied us with these pretties to create a centerpiece!
The children opened one gift each from Grandma & Grandpa. Grandma & Grandpa always get them new p.j.'s to wear Christmas morning! You'll never see children more excited than ours to get pajamas!
Christmas morning we awoke with kids excited to see what gifts they'd be receiving. Alexis read Jesus' story from the Bible!
We opened gifts and made a fantastic brunch! I even got Bob's dad, Dennis, to cook his awesome breakfast potatoes! We feasted on quiche, potatoes, sausage, bacon, cranberry bread, and orange juice. So good!!!
Later after our bellies felt hungry, I set out our Christmas Tea yummies. Mulled Cider, Pimento & Cheese Sandwiches on Pumpernickel, Turkey, Cream Cheese & Cranberry Sandwiches, Cream Cheese w/Herbs & Cucumber Sandwiches, Pumpkin Pie Tartlets, Sugar Cookies, and Almond Truffle Temptations. Again, so good and not conventional! lol
All in all, I think it was one of the most restful, delicious Christmases we have ever experienced! Although it would have been even better if my sister, my brother & his family would have been able to come. San Antonio and China are a bit to far to visit! Sprinkle in some other relative's and it would definitely have been perfect!
Sounds like a great time!! We too, had many days of fun family time!