He's the newest member of the Messner brood.
A "Westie" or West Highland Terrier. We arrived at the name by google-ing Scottish baby names. :) Higgins means Intelligent...my prayer is that he will live up to his name!
This is a picture of the children getting their surprise! Mr. Higgins arrived 2 weeks before Christmas. They were busy watching a Hallmark Christmas movie and we told them they had to unload the diaper wipes. They all slowly made their way over to the box...let's just say they were shocked!
This is starting the "UGLY" cry. She couldn't believe that Dad gave into another dog. I can't believe he gave in myself! lol
So happy!
Here is how he spends most of his days. He and Lincoln have the same sleeping disorder :) infancy! He was born October 1, so he and Linc are only 18 days apart. That will help with remembering how old he is!
Christmas Eve after making the Ginger Bread house.
I just had to put this one in of Linc on Christmas morning. I just love his smile!
This is how Higgins spent most of his morning on Christmas...trash patrol ;)
So yes, we added more stress and fun to our ever growing home...whether it be children or pets. I have always wanted a Westie. I can't even remember how long ago the desire sparked in me, but I am very thankful that it finally happened! Our neighbor's Westies just happened to have puppies, and they just happened to be generous enough to give him to us! I just pray Higgins survives the little girls. :)
Now to come up with his registered name! We'd love your help in naming him. So far we tried to appease all the children and their "names" that they had wanted to call him, but we still haven't decided.
This is what we have as of right now:
"Mr. Higgins Huckleberry Jingle All The Way"
I know it sounds crazy, but registered names are always a bit out there! So if you have any good ones that will beat ours...let's hear 'em!
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