I have been severely absent from blogging these last months...life has been busy, and I just really haven't wanted to. As much as I love blogging, I just couldn't find the motivation to actually do it...so I have decided to finish the month with daily Thankfulness posts. Nothing makes you focus on the good things like being Thankful! Last year after my month of thankfulness posts, I almost started a new blog specifically for thankfulness. I am easily distracted by the negative life experiences and loose focus on the positive...and yet I have sooo much to be thankful for!
So here we go...12 Days of Thankfulness over the next two days!
Day 1- I am thankful for my homeschool group! I love these ladies and their love of homeschooling, learning, and their roles as mommy to so many sweet ones. Such a blessing to plan out our year, and spend it together every other week! Field trips, crafts, and fun! If you don't have a homeschool group, start your own like we did. You won't regret it...you'll find other moms who share your struggles, your accomplishments, and your dreams! Such a sweet blessing!
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Our homeschool group at Sacagawea Park for Heritage Days |
Lewis and Clark at Heritage Days | | | | |
Day 2- I am thankful ALL of our puppies that Sophie and Mr. Higgins had, found wonderful homes!
Miss Addie and the pups: Jasper, Big Daddy, and Jacque Cousteau. |
Jacque Cousteau...wasn't he adorable?! |
Day 3- I am thankful for double yokes and a little man who loves them!
One less egg to crack...and it always makes you smile and say, "Haha, how cool! It's a double yoker!" |
Mr. Lincoln loves eggs! | | |
Day 4- I am thankful for auto save on blogger! I accidentally left my page while I was blogging this, and came back to find all that I had written and uploaded still there! I think I would have cried if it had disappeared. lol No, seriously, I would have.
Day 5- So thankful for iTunes and the Christmas music that flows from it. Once November hits...Christmas music at least once a day is belting out of our speakers. Bing Crosby, Amy Grant, Michael Bublé, Michael W. Smith, Nat King Cole...Christmas is not Christmas without them. Something wonderful comes from these talented artist singing the songs of old, about our Savior, His birth, the angels, and that heavenly night! Music is powerful! It can evoke something inside you, that you didn't even know was there. Stir emotions in you that bring back memories of specific moments in time, special days with special people, and when done well...can make you feel what heaven might sound like with all the angels worshiping our Lord. So powerful. So comforting. So moving. Oh, I can't wait to hear what it really sounds like above! Can you imagine the power of an angelic song?! If these songs stir so much from the heart and aren't even heavenly beings...can you imagine! Ahh...so exciting to think about!
Don't mind the stripes in the screen...our computer is dying daily... |
Day 6- I am thankful for Pinterest! Such a material thing to be thankful for...you'll find that to be a reoccurring theme here ;) I LOVE Pinterest. Do you know how many magazines I have been able to discard because of this website? Let's just say...more than you think. I have always saved them with those just perfect ideas. You know the ones that you will for sure, someday do? Well, I'm a bit of a dreamers (that's the understatement of the year). So, my life, my house, has become so much freer being able to carry all those thoughts, ideas, dreams, virtually. What a genius idea! So I guess I could say I am thankful for the person in which created Pinterest! Thank you! :)
A little snap shot of all of Pinterest's wonderness! | |
My Way of Shopping Without The Budget Being Blown! |
My Dream Garden Ideas! | |
6 more coming tomorrow!
Yay, You're blogging again! Love reading your posts.