Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Best Window Cleaner

So, this morning I have my list of chores to do. The first is to clean all mirrors, and windows. The problem was that I had run out of Windex! I have been putting this chore off for a few weeks (gross I know). I kept forgetting to buy it at the store, these days food is more important to me:-)

Anyways, I decided to look up a natural cleaning solution. I then found a recipe for water, vinegar, and dish soap. I looked in my cupboards, and yes, I had all of those. Well I guess I just looked for the vinegar, the others you obviously don't find in the cupboard! I had the exact amount of vinegar to make this recipe (let's hope I can remember to buy the vinegar next time I'm at the store!) This recipe for window cleaner is a bit different. Most of you probably already use this, and I'm the one behind on this one, but for those of us who have always used the "toxic" stuff this recipe works great. I put a pump of my foam dish soap in the spray bottle to cut the film that the Windex left from all the other window cleanings. It worked great! It's twice as fast to clean em, because you can wipe, then let it dry by itself. I came back to the windows hoping tt the watery look would disappear without a trace of streaks, and it did. They are now all sparkling clean. Such a good feeling, wouldn't you say???

Here is the recipe:

1/4 cup of vinegar
2 cups of water
One pump of foam dish soap (you could probably use one pump of regular, but I don't know how it will turn out, so don't get mad if it doesn't work!)

The best benefit besides being a lot healthier for you, is that it costs like $.25 to make it, instead of the $3.99 the bottle of cleaner costs! Win win in either case if you ask me:-)

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