Friday, March 27, 2009

Ultrasound Pictures

Well, we got to see our little munchkin today! Stubborn little one for sure;-) I must have like the biggest pelvis know to women. Again, just like with Ty, they had to tip the bed fully down so my head was upside down. Hoping that "he" (we'll call it "he") would come out long enough to get good measurements and pics. Thankfully we didn't want to know what sex, because she said "he" wasn't going to show us! I even had to get up and touch my toes, jump up and down, swish around...all to see if it would move "him".

Yes, it worked, and "he" ended up upside down. I don't think I have ever seen an ultrasound where the baby is upside down. The baby is really active, and we got to see "him" stretch "his" super long legs fully out. Bob and I both said that we didn't think we could ever get tired of seeing a baby in an ultrasound. There is just something so miraculous about it! It was quite nice to know what everything was when she was telling us. We did get tripped up on the kidneys though :-) The kids were super excited to see the baby. Gabriel of all the kids, was going around the house all day saying "we get to see the baby today!" in his sing song voice. Very cute!

Little FeetHand
The upside down pic. Nice picture of the spine.
Facial picture. (A little creepy, I know)
The best profile picture that we have ever gotten! Photogenic already ;-)
I'm thinking it's like an apartment in New York in there. What do you think? High dollar real estate, super small studio apartment...everything is at your fingertips!

Bob "knows" it's a boy. I think that too. I guess we will see soon enough! Thanks for all your prayers. We won't find out the results until Tuesday at my regular check-up. I'll keep you posted.

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