Thakfullness Day 7 by messybunch on
For this I am truly thankful~
Today I am thankful for:
Facebook! I stole this from a friend on FB that posted it for what she was thankful for. :) It was too good not to!
FB has been a lifesaver for me since we moved last year. It has this crazy way of making you feel like you never left. Some may disagree that that is good. I on the other hand love that! It helps you keep relationships alive with friends back home, without all the phone calls, and emailing. It's a quick (if you don't become obsessed, which is hard not to) way to keep up on all the going ons with those in your life. It has been so fun to see my friends and family's children grow in their pictures they post. To get great ideas for school projects from other homeschooling moms, that they post. It is a great place to get prayer, answers to questions, and encouragement quickly. (There are a few negative aspects to FB, but today I am focusing on the good.) You can find friends from way back (like 20yrs ago in elementary school, way back), that you probably never would have gotten in contact with otherwise. It's a network of those you care about, or in some cases, are just interested in how their life turned out after all these years. :) It's virtual fun!
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