Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankfulness Day 6

Today I am thankful for:

That fact that my husband will go grocery shopping with me when I need him to. He took me grocery shopping the night before I had Lincoln, because I was having a ton of painful contractions, but needed to go to the store to stock up for the kids before I was stuck in the hospital. He made it not so embarrassing when I had a contraction and was bent over the cart because I couldn't move. :) Then he went with me today and packed Lincoln around in his car seat while I shopped. I tried yesterday to do it myself, and Lincoln cried and cried and I had made the mistake of going to the goodwill before hand to see if they had any jeans in my "new" large size in long, they didn't, they never do, and decided to try on a few tops. I left the dressing room almost in tears (just can't believe I let myself get this big) and headed to Freddy's. Once in there he started fussing, so I took him out of his car seat. Then he started wailing and then Bob called, then I started to get teary again, and was trying really hard not to out right cry like a baby myself in the middle of the store (I just love hormones!). So I headed to the suburban to nurse the baby, and when I got there, I just kept thinking...seriously Heather, this is your 6th kid. Why are you having such a hard time doing this? Then I started really crying. And by the time he finished nursing, my eyes were ridiculously red and puffy, and there was no way I was going back in that store! So I headed home, all the while having a pity party for my hormonal self.
So today, my loving husband took me to the grocery store! He helped me "think" while we shopped, since my thinker isn't working as of late. :) I did it without the water works, and Lincoln made it until check out before he got restless.

For this I am truly thankful...

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! I am really enjoying reading all your thankfulness posts.. and I promise I'm not going to comment on every one(even though I could:) but just had to say something here! I just love you for being so real :) :)


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