Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Swag Bucks!

I Just Won 27 Swag Bucks on

You've won 27 Swag Bucks
If you aren't apart of the Swagbucks world yet, you might want to be. I now have $25 dollars worth of Amazon Gift Cards waiting in my account...this means that by just searching (like you would with google) I earn swagbucks which go towards rewards. A $5 Amazon Gift Card is only 450 swagbucks! Why not earn while you search, right?! Swagbucks is a search engine that randomly rewards you with swagbucks every time you use it. The more you use it the more chances you have to win these Swag bucks. I know a few ladies that use this program to pay for their Christmas gifts every year. What a great way to be a good steward of your money!

Check them out! Click this link: Swag Bucks

I thought it was kind of a joke to waste my time searching with them, but I was wrong. Once I really understood the Swagbucks World, I use it to search for everything! Friday is the Mega Swag Bucks search day. You can win in increments of 100, 200, 500, or 1,000 swagbucks.  If you get really serious about it there are dozens of ways you can earn. I mainly use my toolbar (which you'll want to download after you sign up) to search and answer the poll questions. There is a blog that gives you clues about where swagbucks are hidden...if you want the whole experience. I myself, don't have time for it, so I do the basics!

Happy Searching!

Search & Win

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