Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Helping Hand Gardening

  SproutRobot is exactly what I was looking for! I am so excited to have this "Helping Hand" as I call it. I have always been a hands on learner. Someone needs to show me what to do, and I will get it. Like, hold my hand, and walk me through it, type showing. But once I see it and do it, I usually can do it. This year I will be trying this I am super excited!! It emails you notifications to start your seeds, and when to plant them for your zip code. It gives you picture directions that are easy to follow. And the best part is it's FREE!

Here is a link to the page: "How To Plant Cabbage"

  I will be trying this for our planting season this year. I so badly want to grow a garden, but haven't had the opportunity to be shown hands on. I think it is so important to help with our grocery budget, and for getting the children to actually eat veggies. The one year we had a small 8x8 raised garden bed that my hubby put together for me for Mothers Day...complete with wonderful organic compost! The children ate the most veggies I have ever seen them eat! It's always better when grown by your own tender care. But, that's as close I got to being a gardener (and my square foot garden was a flop last summer). It was fun for the summer, but I really didn't know what I was doing! This year I'd like it to be different! I want to involve the children and keep my mind focused on the project and not get bored, or flake out on it, as I seem to have a problem with. "I'm a sprinter, not a marathon runner!" It's just my nature, and I'd like to change that...I do awesomely well for a small period of time, then something throws a wrench in it, and I never get back to it.

*Pictures to come throughout our journey! Pray for steadfastness! I need it :)

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